New traction substation in Kaluga

    Portfolio Description

    New traction substation in Kaluga

    New trolley-bus line was commissioned in November 2008 in Pravoberezhye community, Kaluga. Route length is more than two kilometers. New three-unit traction substation based on modern ENERGIA equipment is put into operation for power supply of the trolley-bus line in Pravoberezhye. This substation utilizes for the first time KRUm-600 withdrawable switchgears with latest traction network diagnostic systems (SDTS-1) and short-circuit testers (IKZ). Design of these panels provides for full functionality and convenient maintenance with reduced dimensions.

    KRUm-600 switchgear made by ENERGIA has remote control touch-screen enabling control of complete switchgear from single point and also automated switching of line cubicle feeder over reserve bus and back. Current and voltage oscillograms at the moment of quick-acting circuit breaker trip are taken and stored, with capability of subsequent processing and analysis.

    Specialists of ENERGIA have conducted training on the substation, during which managers and maintenance workers of Kaluga trolley-bus department appreciated convenience and safety of the installed equipment.

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